Last Updated on 4 March 2024 by Bukhosi Moyo

Here are some tips on how to deal with a friend with anxiety:

1. Educate yourself about anxiety. 

2. Be patient and understanding. 

3. Listen without judgment. 

4. Encourage them to seek professional help. 

5. Offer practical support.

6. Don’t pressure them to do things they’re not comfortable with. 

7. Take care of yourself. 

Anxiety isn’t easy, but your support can make a world of difference. 

Let’s dive into some tips to help you navigate this journey with your friend in South Africa!

Key Facts

  • Understand anxiety: Educate yourself about anxiety to better support your friend.
  • Be patient and non-judgmental: Show understanding and avoid comparisons to your own experiences.
  • Listen without judgment: Create a safe space for your friend to express themselves.
  • Encourage professional help: Suggest therapy if their anxiety is severe or affecting their life.
  • Offer practical support: Help with errands or simply be there to listen.
  • Respect their boundaries: Don’t pressure them and respect their comfort levels.
  • Self-care is key: Take care of yourself while supporting your friend with anxiety.

Tips On How To Help A Friend Deal With Anxiety

Dealing with a friend who has anxiety can be challenging, but it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. 

Anxiety is a common mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. 

There are many things you can do to help your friend cope with their anxiety and feel supported.

  • Educate yourself about anxiety: The more you know about anxiety, the better equipped you’ll be to understand and support your friend. There are many resources available online and in libraries that can help you learn more about anxiety.
  • Be patient and understanding: Anxiety can be a very debilitating condition, and it’s important to be patient and understanding with your friend. Don’t judge them for their anxiety, and try to avoid making comparisons to your own experiences.
  • Listen without judgment: One of the best things you can do for your friend is to listen to them without judgment. Let them know that you’re there for them and that you care.
  • Encourage them to seek professional help: If your friend’s anxiety is severe or is interfering with their daily life, encourage them to seek professional help. A therapist can teach them coping mechanisms and help them to develop a treatment plan.
  • Offer practical support: There are many practical ways you can support your friend, such as helping them with errands, providing childcare, or simply being there to listen.
  • Don’t pressure them to do things they’re not comfortable with: It’s important to respect your friend’s boundaries and not pressure them to do things they’re not comfortable with. If they say no to an invitation or activity, don’t take it personally.
  • Take care of yourself: It’s important to take care of yourself when supporting a friend with anxiety. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, and exercising regularly. You also need to make time for your own hobbies and interests.

Additional Tips

  • Avoid using phrases like “just relax” or “calm down.” These phrases can be very dismissive and make your friend feel worse.
  • Don’t make promises you can’t keep. If you tell your friend you’ll be there for them, make sure you follow through.
  • Don’t try to fix their anxiety for them. It’s important to remember that you’re not a therapist. Your role is to support your friend, not to cure them.

Remember, anxiety is a real and treatable condition. With your support and encouragement, your friend can manage their anxiety and live a fulfilling life.


Being a friend in South Africa means understanding the rhythm of life here. 

Through active listening, practical support, and respecting boundaries, you can make a world of difference for your friend dealing with anxiety. 

Remember, it’s a journey, and your support is a vital part of it. Cheers to being there for each other! πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦πŸ’š

About the Author

Bukhosi Moyo

Founder & Editor

Bukhosi Moyo is a seasoned Healthcare Content Writer, known for humanizing complex medical information into engaging, accessible content. Based in South Africa, Bukhosi brings a wealth of knowledge and a heartfelt passion for wellness to our health blog, empowering readers with reliable and actionable health insights.

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